The last time we were visiting potential colleges, they were called college visits. That in 1997 when Jessica was browsing. Now it's called "College Preview Days," and the day is jam packed with all kinds of sessions and food and speeches and food and tours and food. Did i mention food? Up until this last weekend, my focus has been on the cafeteria--my first question has been "What are the cafeteria hours?" (Well, except for one visit where i asked about married housing...but that's a whole 'nother blog topic.) Anywhoaways--Man, some of these colleges serve some great grub and are open 24/7!!! And up until last weekend, my vote was for Sewanee despite it's $46,000-a-year price tag. They have the market on wining and dining--that's for sure!
But this week, we visited Belmont...breakfast was continental--thank goodness they did serve coffee. Lunch was a boxed lunch. Wedidn't even get to tour the cafeteria! I'd already crossed the school off my mental list of "for real" choices.
But then, something happened--not exactly sure what. Well, okay, i do know what--the Holy Spirit came barging in--not that He wasn't welcome because there's been an open invitation throughout this whole process (so here come's the serious part)...
So we listen to the President's speech, watch a video and, WHAM! Wow, this is a school that seems to center on the whole person, not just academic excellence (which they did spend quite a bit of time reinforcing) but personal excellence as well! Then the girls had to choose a potential major. They chose--get this--School of Religion! Where di dthat come from? (okay, we've already established that answer!) Though Hannah's logic was that the other areas of interest would have tons of kids and there would be less oppportunity for questions, etc., we agreed it was Providence. During that next hour and a half, they discovered areas God might be calling them to pursue, and they fell in love with this School. They were excited to find out about the academic challenges in the different areas for majors, but they were also excited to find out these folks would take the time to help discover their gifts, talents, interests, and strengths and use that knowledge to guide them in choosing their live's careers.
They fell in love the the opportunities available to serve and to grow in their faith. Did you hear that--EXCITED?! They were ECSTATIC! And because they are pursuing an IB degree, they could potentially earn 24 credits upon entrance, or one full year knocked off--that's a savings of $33,000...!!! Needless to say, Belmont is in the running and has moved to 1st place so far. So, with 4 colleges down and 4 more visits in the works, this is becoming quite an interesting journey--watching my daughters process, evaluate, compare and pray over their future possibilities.
Some say a mother's job as parent is nearly finished at this point, but i've found that quite the opposite is true!!! I'm stepping up my prayer life BIG TIME! So many things have been added to my prayer "list"--not just generalizations like wisdom, discernment and maturity, but specifics such as which school will build them up into the women God has planned and will lead to their life abundant and what degree pursuit will lead them there...? and which cafeteria will offer the healthiest food with the most available hours?!!!!! You think i'm kidding? That really isn't as humorous as it sounds! A parent thinks about those things at this point--especially when their eating habits are already on the brink of catastrophe before they've graduated high school!
But when all is said and done, I am excited for them and this time...because it is one more reason why my cup runneth over!
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