about dianna

my friends call me di., and my titles include bride, momma, nanna, daughter, sister, friend and princess of the King Most High...i love being with my family and adore my husband, daughters, and granddaughters...i miss writing--which is why the blog!

I married my knight in shining armor, Keith, in 1988 and inherited two beautiful daughters...Jessica who was 10 years old, and Melanie who was 7 1/2 years old.  Our family expanded with the addition of Hannah in 1993 and Rebeka in 1994.  Then came Dakota, the dog, in 1996.  We called Bartlett, Tennessee, home until 2004, when Keith's job took us to Nashville.  There, in the quietness of 96 acres, 2 kittens found their way into our lives--Moonlight and Newspaper.  We stayed there in Charlotte until 2007.  Now we call Franklin our home.

Woven through those years, grandchildren began making their appearances in our lives and in our hearts:  Jay and Melanie's four daughters...Alexis Faith in 2002, Aleaha Jayde in 2003, Alivia Kate in 2007, and Alaina Grace in 2008; and Bert and Jessica's 2 daughters, Elizabeth Joy in 2009 and Caroline Lawson in 2011. 

Life is full, and my cup does indeed runneth over!

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