Monday, January 10, 2011

Snowflakes and Other Designs

I don't know what it is about snow that sets my heart on fire, but i'm about as giddie as the kids are at the sight of the first snowflake!

Even now as I sit here mesmerized by the wintery scene unfold through my window, I can feel the freshness of the air and hear the quietness of the earth as the falling snow hushes any movement.  Its reflection sparkles as the snowflakes dance downward in perfect harmony with each other against the stillness of the night.  And of all the thousands of snowflakes that are falling, not ONE is like any other!

How awesome of God to use the snowflake and its uniqueness to describe how His blood washes white as snow!    Maybe that is the attraction for me--an omnipotent reminder each time snowflakes appear of what God, through Jesus Christ, did for me...and what that means to me.

I am as pure and white as the falling snow that envelopes the world in the dead of winter, cleansing it to bring new life in spring.  And I am enveloped in it like a new garment giving me new life (Col. 3:10, Eph. 4:24)--just as God's garment was white as snow (Daniel 7:9)!

I am awestruck by its beauty in me; and like the snow's beautiful design on the landscape, it changes me...that give me reason enough for my cup to runneth over and over and over!!!

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