Thursday, October 21, 2010

Carole King and other Artistry

"Mom, it's a Carole King kind of day!" Hannah exclaimed as she grabbed the cd on our way out the door headed for Goodlettsville, an hour's drive from our home.

Indeed, today was pure pefection!  The artistry with which God had painted this day was vibrant and amazingly alive--nothing short of brilliant.  What a day to be much to soak up and bask in!

As we headed out of the subdivision, we rolled down the windows and turned the music up...she was was a Carole King kind of day.

It's amazing how Carole King transcends all time...every song that plays takes me back to another place, another time. I can remember being something like 8 years old and singing such tunes as "Hi-Di-Ho" and "Wasn't Born to Follow."  Songs like "Jazzman" will always fill my memory with warm California breezes and my first year in high school.  "Nightingale" will forever remain a reminder of the changes moving from California to Tennessee brought about.  OH!  and the "Tapestry" album--"I Feel the Earth Move," "So Far Away," "It's Too Late," "Where You Lead," "You've Got a Friend," "Natural Woman," and of course, "Tapestry." I still remember the portable stereo I carried EVERYWHERE with me...I warped that album playing it over and over.   But that album followed me to college, and there I found much solace when it eluded me everywhere else.

Even later, I brought those songs into my daily life...Keith and I fell in love by such songs as "Up On the Roof,"  I rocked my babies to sleep singing "Child of Mine" and "Way Over Yonder,"  and when the grumpies hit the kids, I have been known to break out with "Beautiful" or "Sweet Seasons!"

So here we are, traveling down the road; and at 16 and 17 years old, both my girls are joining me in singing at the top of our lungs--and they know all the words to all the songs!...songs that cross two generations and turned this gorgeous Fall day into an extraordinary memory! 

As I catch glimpses of Hannah and Rebeka, hair flying, mouths wide open in full smiles, bodies moving to the rhythm, I know my cup runneth over!

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